Electro Stimulation

Electro stimulation with silver gloves is a very popular function that utilizes electrical impulses to increase collagen production, enhance the penetration of serums and other products into the skin, and minimize lines of aging. Electro stimulation is a type of electrotherapy which delivers micro-currents that mimic the body's natural currents. When these micro-currents are delivered into the skin, the body interprets them as natural, and it is able to stimulate the facial and body muscles. Specifically, electro stimulation is extremely beneficial for decreasing puffiness and lifting muscles. 

The benefits include:

  • Safe and painless
  • Minimizes signs of aging
  • Results are cumulative with increasing treatments
  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves symptoms of rosacea
  • Improves skin elasticity and tightness
  • Decreases inflammation and calms acne

Duration: 30min, 45min or 1 hour

Age limits: 8+


  • Pregnant or breast feeding
  • Containing electrical implants
  • Open skin wounds or eczema
  • Sunburns and skin intolerances
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis 
  • Serious cardiovascular problems
  • Cancer and tumorous